In the sixties and seventies a palpable resentment started growing when many people associated with Jomo Kenyatta were seen to be grabbing prime real estate land and beach properties merely because of their proximity to the octogenarian despot. .... -Ukhona yini unakho lokhu emdenini wakho? Can you feel this? - Uyakuzwa yini lokhu? Is it hot or cold? - Kuyashisa noma kuyabanda? Do you smoke tobacco? - Uyabhema yini? Do you drink alcohol? - Uyaphuza yini? Drug - Umuti ...
kuthiwe blokhu/b okungekho. Mhla abahaya izinkondlo bagqashukelwa amazwi lezindonga zodilika lezimpande ezisabalalisa ugqinsi lwamampunge zozimbuka abanye abosala benyewula imilomo bophimisa amazwi anopete ngoba lezi nkondlo sisazozidedela ... WINTER bVACATION/b STARTING FROM MID-JUNE TO AUGUST. Monday 16th June the YMCA poets will be visiting Cator Manor on their celebration of the youth day. We will be blessing the mic and preaching the spirit of ubuntu. ...
Sesahlangana no Daniel Bailey owabhala lencwadi manje sinesiqiniseko sokuthi amalungelo ethu awanakangwa futhi blokhu/b kwenziwa ngendlela eyayingekho emthethweni. Abanye bethu sebahlala ezindlini zase Akoo's iminyaka eyisishagalombili b..../b The press is often criticised for its conduct, sometimes with justification, but it has earned the description of the fourth bestate/b for good reasons. Without it, people would lose a significant part of their defence against the unilateral ...